Administration leads charge to reestablish team

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The announcement of the cancellation of Peninsula’s varsity football team disappointed and shocked many students. However, the administration has already been working hard to ensure a strong football team for next year.

Principal Mitzi Cress has been working on progressive plans for the next football season.

“We are going full-speed with reinstituting football,” Cress said. “I’ve had many meetings with community members, alumni and parents. I have a list of things of things we’re doing. We have to build a football team.”

Associate Principal Michael Wanmer is also playing a key role in preparation for the next football season. Wanmer and Cress have been meeting with football coaches from both high schools and middle schools, and with representatives from Pop Warner. To begin recruitment for next year’s football team, Pen football alumni returned on Career Day on Nov. 18 to speak to students about how football affected their lives.

“We want to spread the message that Peninsula football will be here next year,” Wanmer said.

All students are being encouraged, girls included, to try out for football next season, especially students who might be willing to become cross-over athletes and play multiple sports.

Furthermore, a Nike-hosted Combine Camp at Peninsula is being planned for mid-January to train students interested in football, and will train a potential player in jumping, running and throwing. Under Armor also plans to host a Friday Night Lights game in the near future. Wanmer hopes the game will draw in prospective players.

Wanmer acknowledges the potential injuries football can cause, but has plans to make the sport as safe as possible. The football field is to be updated for night games, the new weight room will be completed soon and games will be scheduled with schools with similar skill levels.

“Football is going to be here. I’m fully confident in that,” Wanmer says. “There isn’t a lot of confidence on campus right now, but we will build it up.”