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As the start of the season nears, the girls’ cross country team is looking forward to another season full of memories and hard work. The girls had their first meet of the season at Lake Casitas Recreation Area in Ojai against many other schools on Sept. 15.

Since the team has less runners than usual this year, the coaches plan to focus on nurturing the skills and passions of the runners that they do have.

“[A major goal of ours this season] is for the girls to really connect with their love of running,” Cross Country coach Chris Foster said.

Sophomore Erica Wan agrees that in order to improve as a runner, one must be passionate about the sport.

“Coach [Foster] is amazing,” Wan said. “Whenever [I am] dealing with health issues, I can always turn to him for advice. [He is] very supportive.”

Foster wants to establish a culture of family within his team. He emphasizes that cross country is a team sport, which means he expects all team members to cheer each other on during races to show support.

“I [could not] do anything without my teammates,” Wan said. “We always cheer each other on and help each other push through no matter what. Even the people who [do not] really like running stay on the team because they love their teammates so much.”