Parent groups sponsor sports teams and classes

Categories : Focus

Various parent associations help support Peninsula’s academic and athletic programs. Some choose to work in classrooms or for clubs, while many others are involved in fundraising for extracurricular activities. The parents of the Athletic Booster
Club (ABC) play a big role in raising money and in supporting all the athletic programs on campus.

“Budget cutbacks by the state and Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District have been significant, so we must continue to support and raise funds for the athletic program,” Co-President of ABC Ceci Watts said.

All the money collected at ABC’s annual membership drive is donated to purchase sports equipment for the school. This school year, ABC’s main goal is to raise enough money to repair the track surrounding the field. In the past, the club has supported sports teams by helping to pay for coaches, athletic
trainers, field and turf, batting cages, court maintenance and more. Funding for these projects comes from popular ABC
fundraisers such as the Holiday Boutique, the Black and Gold Affaire and the Sports Kick-Off Party, which welcomes new and current Peninsula families to promote the cause of ABC.

“The old saying, ‘the more you give, the more you receive,’ is true,” Watts said. “No matter what organization you
feel compelled to join and give to the school—you will not regret it.”

Another parent group that fundraises for the campus is the Korean Language Advisory Committee (KLAC). It successfully introduced a Korean language class on campus through a petition, and now helps support the class financially through various fundraisers such as garage sales and parent donations.
In addition to the KLAC, the Korean Parent Association (KPA), contributes their own support for Korean classes and raises money for student activities. ABC, KPA and KLAC are only three of many parent associations that support the school. All parent groups impact the community in a positive way.