World Language Week

Categories : Student Life

As World Language Week approaches, students and teachers of foreign languages prepare for their day to perform something during the week of March 19. Their goal is to have more students take the foreign language they are representing and teaching.
Latin, one of the five languages being celebrated in this week, is holding a fashion show featuring well-known mythological figures such as Medusa and Perseus.
Freshman, Jessica Lee said, “I think this is a fun way to show how many things are related to the Latin language.”
Another language, Japanese, is already having practices for one of their performances, a cultural dance.
Vivian Tsai, a student currently enrolled in Japanese points out that “Although I am not going to be in the dance, I still am fascinated when learning about the Japanese culture, and am hoping that this performance will persuade some students to take Japanese in in their high school years.”
Because there are many languages to choose from, students most likely only get to take one or two languages in high school. This week gives teachers and students the chance to show off their language/culture with the hope that more students will take their language in the future.